Student Blogs

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Student Blogs
PhotobucketPen to Paper is my own blog. I've been running it since the beginning of September 2011, and already it has moved on incredibly quickly. In January 2012, I hit 1000 followers, and now, just two months later, I've hit over 1500!
I'm also in contact with publishers and authors alike, for whom I write reviews, promotional posts, and host giveaways, all in the name of promoting the written word.

PhotobucketPassion for Novels is a blog written by Gemma Wood, studying English Literature, in her second year. Here is what Gemma has to say about her blog:

As an avid reader I needed something to other than my friends to annoy with talking about book love’s and hate’s, hence the creation of the blog Passion for Novels. The idea of a blog never really appealed to me until I saw Dani’s blog Pen to Paper and thought ‘I could do that’ and Passion for Novels was born. We also tried a blogging project in our Approaches to Reading Criticism course in our first year, which I have to say I really enjoyed. I post about everything book related, I try to do three reviews a week but lately due to University deadlines this has been cut down considerably. I also do weekly features such as the Author Spotlight, Top Ten Tuesday and Wishlist Wednesday, these are interesting features which get some more regular viewers on my blog. I love that the blog is my own, I can be as bias as well as reading and reviewing the things that I think people should be reading. I never let a free book from the author deter me from writing the truth about a book. If I know I won’t like a book from the synopsis I just don’t review it. I would love my blog to expand further and get over 1000 followers as well as do more author interviews as I really enjoy them. I also do giveaways which anyone can enter if they’re a follower so if anyone wants to hop on over and enter a giveaway coming up soon sign up and please do so! I love the fact that at University I get to read some amazing books that I never would have picked up before including Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson which is now, apart from Wuthering Heights, my favourite classic book. Let’s not forget some of the brilliant modern things I’ve read too! This year alone I have discovered Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman and Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman. This has allowed my blog to be the pinnacle of a diversity in its readings and allow me to reach any kind of audience. Books definitely allow us to ‘delve into a world of imagination.

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