This blog is not just about the experiences of one particular student - far from it - the blog is about the collective experiences of all Birmingham City University students.
But the only way I'm going to be able to show the experiences of all these students through the blog, is if the students actively participate. This could mean sending in a couple of comments on something already on the blog, an idea for a one-off or regular feature, a guest post about something you feel is particularly important or interesting, or taking part in one of the existing features (which I will slowly be introducing between now and the beginning of the second semester).
So if you have anything to say or to share, this is your chance to do it!
As the blog develops I will put more information on this page about what features you'll be able to contribute to, but in the mean time, if you have ideas or would like to publish a guest post here, please send an email to the following address:
I look forward to hearing from you!